Wednesday, January 27, 2016

So okay its been a little over a month with no Posts But OMFG.. this is to funny.

Okay so a little background to this post/rant that is just to funny not to share. Years ago.. more like 20 or so I dated this Dude that had the basic looks of a wanna be Backstreet boy with a seriously BAD platinum blonde dye job because he thought " it made him look damned good". Anyways.. we were freinds at first for many many yrs then that  pretty much changed and we were the BF&GF. Things happened on and off most of it was his cheating and lying.. we eventually just stopped talking all together IE he just literally Disappeared one day and stopped responding entirely to me. Then like a year later I find out the fuckhead had been cheating on me and then got his worthless ass married.

        okay so FAST forward to today/wee hours of the morning.  The Place... FB msging. I logged in to check FB as I normally do a  few times a day from my tablet when i am confined to bed from my legs being pita's. I see i got a freindship offer.. ookay who the F*ck would offer? doesn't this person know I am not some whinning PC asshole sheeple? are they ill or something? So okay I check FB and shit and the last thing I do before logging out I look at this persons Profile page and then I see the name and my first reaction is OMFG after all this time and the second is WTFH does this POS want and does he think I;d forgotten or forgiven his POS ass?!?! So Yep if you think I just deleted it and moved on  you'd be so wrong because  this stupid moron msg'd me he opened the door to get the ass chewing he so sorely deserved and YEP I said my piece in a most blunt forward to the point manner as possible. this is a Basic qoute of what I replied to his request and then his pathetic response to it which is laughable......

 " If this is the same person with the bad dye job that over 20 yrs ago lied to me, cheated on me, Back stabbed me,.. then NO I do not need your shit in my life or the stress it would bring"...I sent the reply and denied the offer and moved on. You would THINK a normal person would get the hint and move on .. but NOPE he is still that much of a fucking asshole as he was 20yrs ago and thinks he is privilaged to feel  HURT and indignant.. the following is part of his reply which I honestly didn't even read in its entirety because it was just pathetic he even tried to act butt hurt....
 "Thanks Alot. If you can't and don't have anything nice to...." and this is where i simply deleted the msg because WHO THE FUCK IS HE TO GET ALL ASS HURT?!?!?! Seriously Dude you are going to TRY to act all hurt and like I am the POS bad person for telling you exactly WHAT you are what you were and that you STILL are after ALL the LIES ALL the bullshit.. YOU ARE LAUGHABLE!! YOUR SAD  and your Pathetic you still haven't learned that Karma is a fucking bitch and you just got bit in the ass for the assinine stupid Punk ass shit you pulled.

 and so I close this Rant/giggle fest with a new AWARD given...

 TO  Robert Borisov I  give you 4 Whole BUTT PLUGS for the stupidest man on the planet thinking you had any right to get all indignant  and Butt hurt over my denial response to your sad offer of pathetic freindship I hope you rot in the hell of your feeble mind.