Monday, November 23, 2015

A New Start...

Well its Nov. 23rd 2015 and 10:30 in the morning and already i had to call for a a mamgram appointment and blood work to see if I need to call an Oncologyst. Happy happy joy joy right? Um its about as stress fill as you can get when you hear that word.. Oncologyst. First thing you think is that vile C word.. but at this point with the way things are  it wouldn't surprise me really. But I'm not going to sit here and blog about  depressing shit because frankly I sincerely doubt most of you give a rats ass. And yes  This blog will be blunt, crude and even nasty and opinionated at times, but these are my personal thoughts so you can deal with then or.. hehehe well you know what you can do, So onto the daily stuff shall we..?

 Logged into Twitter and its the normal cat posts and knitting and crocheting posts. I'm still working on the Cabled Wrap for my mother for Yule and that alien face hugger thing for my dip of a brother and maybe after I get those two things done i can start on my own sweater i have been planning to make over the winter. I have Managed to get my Flickr account back up and running so I will be posting a Link to that on here if I remember how to do that And also my YouTube Channel. Oh yeah I also as of the last month or so found two new YouTube channels I started following and to be honest thier both really great channels and the creators both  conduct themselves like adults (which I can't say for most You tubers) the first one is called Seriously Strange The Creators Name is Rob Dyke and he strikes me as this  outright blunt semi open minded personality thats very appealing to me to actually dare i say wish to get to know this person  better on a possible freind level( tho I am doubtful he would bother with me frankly I am almost twice his age LOL). And the second Channel is  By a Creator Name Mathew Santoro Now if you are the type that likes lists Channels and finding out the Odd educational facts and such then this channel should defiantely be on your subscribe list. Also as it happens those two gentlemen are also best freinds of sorts So If you want two new Channels to subscribe to for something new and interesting and  in general fun to watch then I Highly suggest you search these two guy out and I  know you won't be disappointed.

 Now back to this blog and my latest WIP's for  my Knitter and crocheter followers. I will post update pictures here as well as my Twitter account and Face Book, Instagram and SnapChat and Moby (when i get it working again) accounts when I remember as the Fentynal patches and the rest of the medications tends to make me Dopey as hell.( I call it being perminantly Blonde minus the bad Dye job)

 The Picture below is the Cabled WIP so far. Its slow going but already half thru the second skein of Lions Brand Heartland acrylic in Serria. yes I am allergic to Most acrylics but so far this isn't killing my hands yet..

Oh yeah, and as I get back into blogging now I will be adding new links and suggestions to all my Kniting & crocheting followers and also some general links to things I  find interesting you all might what to check out. feel free to comment or msg me if you want. If you are going to be negative Be assured I will ignore and remove the post when i see it.

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