Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ugh Not going to be a good night tonight..

OKay so this is for the people that don't either get exactly what I mean about the legs not working  and the ones that think that all this is a "little" problem.. I DON"T normally post pictures like this but maybe people will get the idea finally that this isn't something so "simple" or such a "small issue" and I am not making up exagerated shit..

Okay so yeah..  Trying living with your legs like this 24/7/365, and BTW this is only  HALf way swollen so far.. its been much worse on a really Off day. this is only half gone because i slept alot today..

And this one was from 2 days ago, before i got on my compression machine to force the legs to unswell enough so i could get my compression stockings on for the day.. and BTW picture your legs like this and add chronic excrutiating dibilitating pain thats constantly like someone stabbing you and bashing your legs with a hammer at the same time 24/7/365.. this is why i needed the pain meds..

the right leg is slightly better then the left becasue that one had had 10 Vnus closures compared to the 9 on the left.

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