Then I made a pair of new Slipper socks/boots for indoor wearing (my circulation sucks ass now a days so I am always cold)
And now after those are done I am in search of a decent easy to learn toe up Sock pattern to teach myself a new method to makes socks with which is proving to be a aggrivating search as i fond a lot of the people that make these pattern auto assume the general person has done it before yet none are will to really do a hands on step by step to help out the novice/ semi okay sock knitter. And even before all this I had just finished my Second Sweater of the winter season and second ever I made for myself. and I might add this one is the best yet..(pictured below)

So there you have it, the last few weeks of my time spent aside form trying to heal up from falling in the shower a week ago which sucked big time and left me bruised and hurting and worried if this thing is starting to spread again. Won't know that answer til my next DR App. around my birthday time. Oh yeah something else that sorta is funny in a creepy/weird sorta way. remember last month i had a shitty blast from the past when they asshat ex msg'd me on FB? Well guess what.. yep got another blast from the past in the form of a freind I lost touch with about ugh almost 10yrs ago (damn has it been that long really?) So I replied and made sure it was him and sure as hell it was and he's married now etc etc etc and apperantly working and living near bye still. talk about creep factor lately with all the past lurking around the proverbial corners. so thats about it or this past months weird ass "adventures" and I will try to post more often but bluntly i keep on forgetting since i am not even sure if anyone really pay any attention to my blogs in the first place since i never get any damned feedback from anyone that has a pulse.
well i'm Outies.., Laters!!
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